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History of Veena
The Veena is the primary name of specific Ancient musical instruments evolved into many variations, such as lutes, zithers, and arched harps.
The many regional designs have different names such as the Rudra veena, the Saraswati veena, the Vichitra veena and others. The veena, reigning as the chief ancient instrument and originaring in South India. About 3.5 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 meters) long to fit the measurements of the musician, it has a hollow body and two large resonating gourds under each end. It has four main strings which are melodic, and three auxiliary drone strings.
It is unique in Thanjavur because the instrument is made from a particular strain of matured jack fruit tree found only in that area. The only link between music and Thanjavur was carried forward by the makers of the musical instruments.
Thanjavur Veenai
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